Page 10 - DoitBest 2021 Report
P. 10

“Best Rewards helps us understand who our customers
              are and what they are spending their money on,” said
              Joe. “We know from a demographic standpoint where our
              business is coming from and which ZIP codes our print
              promotions need to prioritize.”

              The retooled HHC gained momentum. As sales at both
              locations increased, Gary and Joe continued to reinvest
              in their business, expanding inventory and accumulating
              even more preference shares.

              In 2020, their hard work and discipline paid off in a
              big way. Sandia National Laboratories, another federal
              research lab headquartered in Albuquerque, approached
              HHC about being their hardware and building materials
              supplier. While it was a major opportunity, it also
              required a major commitment. In order to duplicate the
              level of service HHC was providing to the Los Alamos
              lab, the new location would need to be close to
              Sandia National Laboratories.

              “Working with Los Alamos National Laboratory gave
              us a lot of experience and understanding of how to
              do business with the federal government,” said Joe.
              “We knew we could utilize the same platforms to add
              customers in the federal sector.”

              Do it Best helped Gary and Joe find an ideal location
              for the newest store, to be named HHC Supply. They
              also found an added bonus. The location was close
              to a military airbase and a major airport, giving HHC
              access to an underserved market — and potentially
              dramatic growth. Redeeming their preference shares      “Before we started going after more
              to supplement funding for the project, Gary and Joe      customers, we had to make sure
              purchased an existing building close to the research lab
                                                                       our own infrastructure was up-
              and began renovation.
                                                                       to-date,” said Gary. “Mike was an
              “We always knew those preference shares would be
              for future growth and the opportunity to open more       extraordinary help — he attended
              locations,” said Gary. “Having those funds available was
              one of the reasons we were willing and able to go forward   a lot of our manager meetings
              with the new store.”
                                                                       and shared what the rest of the

                                                                       industry was currently doing.”

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