Page 8 - DoitBest 2021 Report
P. 8

HHC Supply

             HERE WE GROW AGAIN

              By the time brothers Robert, Felix, and Leroy Sanchez   Then, in 2015, Felix and Leroy’s sons, Gary and
              joined Do it Best in 1995, their six-location business,   Joe Sanchez, were tagged in to be President and
              Hacienda Home Centers (HHC), was already a staple    Vice President of HHC, respectively. After years of
              for hardware and building supplies in New Mexico. But   overseeing HHC’s Española location, Joe was keenly
              by 2014, they were finding it harder to keep up with   aware of the potential the business had. During his
              the daily demands of business ownership.             time there, Joe took advantage of their location to
                                                                   land a coveted commercial contract with the
              At the same time, the economy was changing — the     Los Alamos National Laboratory.
              big box stores had arrived and were putting additional
              pressure on their business. HHC lost momentum,       “Los Alamos has been a very important customer for
              downsizing to just two locations in Española and Las   quite a few years now,” said Joe. “They count on us for
              Vegas, New Mexico. For a time, it looked like HHC    industrial supplies, hardware, and building materials
              might fade into history.                             — there are always opportunities to expand to more
                                                                   commodities as well.”

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